Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Proactive Relationship Building

One of the most profound relationship building scriptures in the Bible is Eph 4:32:

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

Try to keep things simple on this one.

Be kind:  be nice and do nice things for others (including the people who get on your last nerves)

Be tender hearted:  let your gentle tone of voice and gentle actions flow from a tender heart.  Ask God to make your heart tender and keep your heart tender.

Forgiving one another:  keep a heart of forgiveness toward others because God keeps a forgiving heart toward you.  How can we fix our lips to tell someone we will not forgive them?  How do we grow unforgiveness in our hearts? Just as God forgave us, we must forgive others.  Ask God to open your heart so that your heart is tender and quick to forgive (this does not mean we ignore abuse but it does mean to release a person from holding harsh feeling for them because of the abuse or offense toward you).

God Bless,

Pastor Kennedy (MZO)

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