Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Learn From Church Ushers?

They frequently serve in silence and with a smile.

They have a lot to say, but they say it in preparation to silently serve us in church.

Sometimes people do not smile back, but instead of negatively reacting, they keep smiling.

Sometimes they try to seat people in one place but the people choose another place.  Does the usher negatively react? No, they turn and return to their post smiling.

Do ushers have feelings like everyone else?  You bet they do.  

Will they quit because of what someone said or did in church?

You will see them again on their next shift with that same smile eager and ready to serve us in church.

What is with these ushers in church who get along with ushers from other churches and makes silent service with a smile their priority?

Check out the scripture that shapes their values:

"Better a day in Your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather be at the door of the house of my God than to live in the tents of wicked people" (Psalm 84:10 -  HCSB).

Christian's thank an usher or ushers for their consistent Christ-like service on behalf of the Lord's church.

God Bless,

Pastor Brian E. Kennedy, Sr.

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