Monday, May 4, 2015

Minister to Fallen Believers who Repent

We all know a fellow believer who is struggling in their walk with Jesus.  As you pray for God to change them, be ready to help them move past their place of failure to a place of God's blessings.  Be a consecrated advocate for them so they will want to go deeper in their walk.
Moses modeled this process well.
Here is a prayer to consider in ministering to fellow believers who stop their sinful behavior and are willing to change:

Dear Lord, protect me from thinking I am better than other believers when they make a serious mistake.  Help me to learn the powerful lesson from Moses on how to help my fellow believers move past their place of failure, help me to be a consecrated advocate that leads people to You, and Lord, instead of dwelling on my fellow believer's failures, deepen my
intimacy with You.  I love You deeply.  I ask these things in Jesus' naame,

God Bless

Pastor Brian E. Kennedy, Sr.

Dear Lord

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