Thursday, April 28, 2016

Facts or Feelings?

The growth of a generation driven by their feelings is not new.  The same exact thing happened in Judges 21:25:
"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes."
The problem with doing whatever seems right in one own eyes is our society cannot survive with everyone driven by their feeling.
You do not want your pilot to follow her feelings ("I am not feeling Ontario right now, I feel like flying to Seattle").  Pilots driven by their feelings will create havoc in the sky and in airports, disrupt businesses, and destroy airline credibility.
You definitely do not want an engineer to claim he no longer has feelings for bridge inspections and declares all bridges as safe.

Christian's, our children and youth will not automatically grow up with principles that produce a healthy society.  We must teach them the facts found in God's Word so they will know and feel things consistent with God's Word.

Let us learn a lesson from Joshua, the successor of Moses.
As long as Joshua led the people and taught them the Word of God they were successful and enjoyed God's  blessings (Joshua 24:31).
What was Joshua's secret?  Joshua made sure everyone, including the children knew the Word of God.  
Look at Joshua 8:34:
Joshua then read to them all the blessings and curses Moses had written in the Book of Instruction.
35 Every word of every command that Moses had ever given was read to the entire assembly of Israel, including the women and children and the foreigners who lived among them.

After Joshua died, the Children of Israel slowly abandoned God's Word as their standard, and people did what was right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25).
People pursued their feelings.  Whatever they felt, they followed.
This is where many Christians are today.  We are following the culturural practices of today (feelings driven), versus the Word of God (facts driven).  

This was also the point of disconnect from God's blessings to God's curses upon Israel.  This is the same point of disconnect for us today.

Christian's determine that you and your children will be driven by the facts found in God's word versus feelings.

God Bless,

Pastor Brian E. Kennedy, Sr.


  1. Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. See the link below for more info.

